Foreword / Vorwort
Moin moin - willkommen im Norden!
To speak about the past could be easy;
about the present should be hard;
but about the future... i think that demands the assessment of risks and to confrontate all fears.
To read this blog is like to read a book,but starting from the last page!!
On July 14, 2005 i closed the period related with the studies in Germany, and arose the opportunity to publish a site with the professional milestones related with this "Qualifizierungsphase": here the public answer to the question How was the life in Hamburg?.
Ab diese Tag, monatenlang voller intensiver Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen liegt hinter mir und ich bin schon sehr gespannt, was nun darauf folgen wird, wie es weiter gehen wird...
The "Rückkehrphase" - starting when i took the airplane in Hamburg to Paris- brings me also the trouble of "die Wiedereinglinderung", which was running on the following months under the "Dissonanz-modell".
- A correct Foreword is normally written by other person than the author; then the correct title of this sheet should be better : "Preface".
Some parts of the contain here shared with you, do not belong to the performing of a study in a University of Technology, but belong to the human being exposed temporally to another country under the stressing factors like language, cultural schock and the confrontation with the unfamiliar.
- Divided by topics, but organized along the timeline, every single blog have commentaries a photos trying to explain specific situations in which i was embeded. Quotations were selected to give inspiration to the reader.
I broke my mind seeking a quotation for this Preface, but the list was quite big: to make simple the criteria, i said to me "he/she should be a german-born bestseller writter", but in this category appears names as Günther Grass and Dieter Bohlen (!). Then, i was forced to search with a better criteria and i found from Joseph Kardinal Ratzinger one very interesting "Zitation" in his mother tongue:
"Gedächtnis ist nichts
ein mechanischer Aufbewahrungsort für
eingespeicherte Informationen wie der Computer:
Das ist es auch, aber viel mehr als das."
Unterwegs zu Jesus Christus, Sankt Ulrich Verlag, Augsburg 2004 , seite 82