Fachlabor Fertigungstechnik
" It is much easier
be critical
than correct "
(Benjamin Disraeli, Speech)
be critical
than correct "
(Benjamin Disraeli, Speech)
This seminar in the WS 2002, put me in contact with concepts and experiments in the field of Robotics, Acoustics Consulting and High-speed material processing. During this course was working together with a very intelligent guy called Hirsch, who suffered handling with the translation from very technical German to a very simple common language to me in each experiment session.
At the end of this semester i got the opportunity to perform a internship with Henkel GmbH, in the city of Düsseldorf, with a applied research in the production-line of conventional Adhesives. The estimate time line for this project was 8 weeks, starting on March 4.
After several assessments related with the schedule for the examinations, was for me no possible to accept this big opportunity. Leider. Schade!
En las fotos se aprecian las posiciones para la medicion de los picos de generacion de sonido (schallpegel) generados en un taladro convencional de mano (Bohrsmachine) que fueron eejcutados en una camara insonorizada dispuesta para este tipo de estudios.