
Taizé in Hamburg

"Holy Father, I assure you of my sentiments
of profound communion"
Frère Roger of Taizé (1915-2005)

The celebration of the 2004 New-Year Eve, due the Taize meeting in Hamburg, was different as in previous years.

I was living in Hammer Kirche until September 2003, but before that date the local Pastor Rudolf Läneken ask me to offer my home ("naja, ein paar quadratmeter...") to someone assigned to that Parish, due was expected in Hamburg to receive more than 200.000 young people from all the corners of Europe. That parish had a elementary school, and they could receive some hundred of people, but was desired to share those days with individual members of every "Gemeinde", that means to allow contact of the visitors with local families.

Hence, i put my name in the HammerKirche database.

Some months later, i change to another place, and forget to have any compromise with the possibility to have a guest, evenmore, to have something to do with the meeting. I was not in the plans to assist or to receive anybody, only to enjoy the New Year Eve...

Then a day, unexpectly, arrived to my new home the polish guy from Wadowice (south Poland): Thomaz (Tom, in short). He ask me: "Are you Hugo?", and i responded him "How are you, and What are you looking for?????"

Was not an easy situation, but tense. "Oh my ***** ! " I continue asking him: "How do you get my name and address?"

A minute later was clear for me, what were the alternatives...

zum Neues Jahr, ein Guten Rutsch!