The complicate Sommer 2003
" They can because
they think they can " (Vergil)
they think they can " (Vergil)
During this period i wrote and submit the Studienarbeit (Project work), in the field of Technology Assessment and this gave me the opportunity to be in contact with several big players like Basf (Chemistry) and Airbus (Airplanes), gathering interesting experiences from different industries and their strategies for applied IT. During this period, i visit the Cebit exhibition in Hannover for second time (photo), because the topic of my applied research.
In April also i attend the Humanities Seminar, and together with my group, we visit a exposition about Lucas Cranach (der Kunstler der Reformationszeit) in the Brucerius Kunst Forum.
In April 13, Fundayacucho did the worst decision that i never saw trying to give"lights" for the multi-faced trouble created around the money-transfer from Venezuela to Germany: they open a "yahoo group forum" with us (the venezuelan students in Germany), to share some "non official" information.
I critized a lot this treatment of information through a public electronic-forum, and some days later they realized that it was a wrong strategy: they close this communication channel after my critics. Burokratie...
In April 23, during the DAAD meeting in the University of Hamburg, appears the Freundeskreis-DAADin scene, offering to the scholars (the students) the opportunity to create a "treffenpunkt" for another non-academical activities as short trips, guided museum tours, opera and ballet performances visits, meetings in the bar (Stammtisch) and more.... In that moment, the group was organized by Rudolf H. and Katerina S.
Some weeks later, in May 8 we have the first meeting with the DAAD-freundeskreis Hamburg: "Große Hafenrundfahrt" (photo), and after that, a "stammtisch". In the photo we can see clearly, from left to right: Rudolf, Houng, Hugo, Katherina and Miguel.
By the way, this was also the year when i broke my right hand after a sailing on the lake Alster, but before the 2nd trip to Italy (photo), and a week before to receive a room, in the Studentenwohnheim in Sedanstrasse 23, very near to the University of Hamburg.
By the way, this was also the year when i broke my right hand after a sailing on the lake Alster, but before the 2nd trip to Italy (photo), and a week before to receive a room, in the Studentenwohnheim in Sedanstrasse 23, very near to the University of Hamburg.
Other activities, but with the KHG, were performed in that season, as the visit to the Kloster Nutzschau in the north of Hamburg.
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