
Cebit 2002

In February i knew a Computer Systems engineer who was studying another Master Program in the TUHH and living in the NITT, Miguel Garcia. We agree to visit together to the world´s biggest computer and software exhibition in Hannover: Cebit.

Our perspectives where really different to assist to this "Messe" (exhibition): Miguel was interested to be recruited by SAP, and my interest was to see was going on with mobile communication technologies as well as others curious devices , that means, the gizmos.

In the professional cooperation between the several branches of engineering, from software to mechanics, people should apply much more than is teached in pure technical lectures: the effective soft-skills of project management.

Für oberfläche Leute sind diese sogennante Soft-skills der Ausrede für zu viel Bier zu trinken, Witzen immer zu erzählen oder katzenhaft zu sein. Mensch! Die gehören nichts dazu...

Maybe for the others, two nerds were visiting another software meeting...

I dont think so.
Only time will bringt us the reason.
