Nach der Motto: "Living the Culture"
"La tecnica de hoy
es el pan de mañana"
es el pan de mañana"
(Richard von Weizsäcker; ex-Presidente aleman)
Why to start with a commentary about technology in a blog referred to culture?
You should no forget that i went to Germany to improve, to learn, to participate, in the process of scientific transferring that transformed in to applied technology (that is the purpose of the partnership between DAAD and Fundayacucho, and have nothing to do with the crazies ideas of dictator Chavez).
Living in Dresden means also to be exposed to a very interesting cultural trends... not all in that city only about to Travis, "socialism buildings", and people having hard times understanding the capitalism style of life.
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This evening we (many students from Goethe Institut) went to a Lutheran Church (Versöhnungskirche) to see the theaterstuck "The Tragische Geschichte vom Leben und Tod des Doktor Faustus", more or less inspired in the classical book from Goethe. I was a little in schock: was my first time to be in a Lutheran church and was hard to understand why a non-cult performance was playing in a temple...
From the presentation i can not remember the complicated drama between Dr.Faustus, "der Teufel", and others roles, because was very fast to my understanding of the German language in that moment, but the basic idea was clear for everyone in that Church: Mephostofilis (the Devil) will try by any possible way to catch every human being to bring to the Hades (die Hoelle) at the cost of some kind of pleasures, money and power.
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Other day we went to the Semper Opera to see / hear the "Zauberflötte" of Mozart. Realmente el tener la posibilidad de escuchar la famosa Opera "La Flauta Magica" en ese maravilloso teatro, como una actividad muy espontánea de mi grupo de clases en el Goethe Institut fué algo inolvidable, por la propia organización nuestra para aquello... además la exquisita puesta en escena es incomparable a ninguna otra que haya yo visto antes o despues, especialmente a muchas otras obras de Opera que ví en Hamburg, años después.
No hay fotos en este apartado, pues mis recuerdos visuales de aquellos meses no podré nunca compartirlos sino con las personas que estuvimos allí, en el Verano del 2001.
Finalmente inolvidable: la Semana de Dresden y la respectiva feria en el centro de la ciudad, que incluye fiestas y exhibiciones de cine a las orillas del rio Elbe.
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