Horns in Hallerstrasse
I discovered that living near Uni-Hamburg had the advantge to reach the Alster (Hamburg biggest lake) in few minutes: then i started to run (jogging) around this lake, at least once time every week.
To reach the lake from Sedanstrasse, i used to walk or running along the Hallestraße. On this Avenue there is also a tennis center, where is played the Hamburg Tennis Coup every year.
Correr es vivir
(Pedro Penzinni)
Near the cross of Hallerstraße with Rothembaumchausse there is also a curious white-color building, from the 19. century: it has several monster-like heads on its fassade (photo): some are like bears, others like clowns, and others, like "devils", that means, having horns (photo).

I think that the building was designed originally to say others, than the people living inside it were less dangerous than popular fears, as the myths. For instances, i remember to saw in Rome a sculpture with horns, associated to a biblical figure; the Micheangelo sculpture of Mose, shown him with horns in his head...
Michelangelo's "Moses" has horns because one of the biblical translations of "rays of light" became "horns" in Italian. Because of this mistranslation, depictions of Moses with horns became somewhat commonplace.
As i was interested to create a history to this unique building, i found grabed in the floor some names of people, more exactly a familiy which died in WWII. In this place was living until 1941 the Oberrabiner Dr.J.Carlebach with his complete familiy, before their deportation....
The skill of detection of real devilsin people with political and military ambitions, should be demanded as the product of family values and the educative system in all the members of a society. Not-horned-devils, but insane human beings, arrive to the goverment positions because the holes in the moral filter, due a wide list of socio-cultural reasons, however using democracy.
The democracy mechanism for goverment selection is still in Venezuela in a extreme situation in regard since few years.... Maybe the most of the people prefer to close the eyes at other's countries history, or worse, to running fast when the point is called in reflexion....
Those Horns in Hallerstrasse should remember us that perception of universal values as the faith, is not a thing about the translation of the old books (as the Bible), but the understanding what is the product of a real technical & humanistic good education: citizens.