Taize II & Bolivarplatz
At the end of Rothenbaumchausse one can find the "Bolivarplatz".
Is very generous that the city of Hamburg permited 30 years ago the installation of this monument (Photo); "Der Befreier" means the Liberator.
The figure of Simon Bolivar is also in the Rathaus:
Danke Hamburg!
Since 1847 the figure of S.Bolivar becomes another god for some of venezuelans; but for others, he is the only one (!). I think that it was a side-effect of the local culture & some religious trends.I found, that the cult to Bolivar had an important milestone, when a christian temple, in Caracas, was transformed into a cementery to preserve his sacred body: Legal Profanity. It elevated him, by law, to the level of deity...
To insist that "Bolivar said * * * " or "The Liberator done * * * ", as a valid reason for inter-generational brainwashing, is clearly inmoral, insane, sick. Ende der Diskussion.
In front of Bolivarplatz is placed the beatiful Nikolaikirche, which belongs to the Lut. Evangelische Gemeinde: this church is probably the 2nd best accoustical place in Hamburg, due its design where an orchestra could play above the hall in the central part of the building.
In Christmas is possible to attend in that church very beatiful concerts!
This Church placed in front of "Klosterstern", a site which has a "traurige Geschichte": 500 years ago, was not allow here to teach basic orthography to the girls, because it was "not catholic". One can read this history in a stonewall, in a square located in front of the U-1 station.
From September until November 2004, we were (photo) several times there to assist to the weekly "Taize" prayer, in preparation (vorbereitung) to the big meeting in Portugal: Kati, Tina, Iryna-Sonja, Maria, Wolfang, Daniel, Dana, Angela, Heather, Sigrid, Thomas Seifert and Magda...
In Christmas is possible to attend in that church very beatiful concerts!
This Church placed in front of "Klosterstern", a site which has a "traurige Geschichte": 500 years ago, was not allow here to teach basic orthography to the girls, because it was "not catholic". One can read this history in a stonewall, in a square located in front of the U-1 station.
From September until November 2004, we were (photo) several times there to assist to the weekly "Taize" prayer, in preparation (vorbereitung) to the big meeting in Portugal: Kati, Tina, Iryna-Sonja, Maria, Wolfang, Daniel, Dana, Angela, Heather, Sigrid, Thomas Seifert and Magda...
"En Libertad, ni ofendo ni temo"
(José Artigas)
(José Artigas)
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